Saturday, November 14, 2009

One Month Anniversary

I've officially been here one month! Yippee. I'm starting to feel settled in and my French is coming along. I'm still getting lost everyday, no matter where I'm going. I take the wrong metros, I think I'm walking down the right street only realize I've passed my destination, I still don't know street names and driving is so chaotic. Apparently when driving and riding a bike here the more aggressive you are the better. I'm working on it. It's so fun and great though. I'm off to explore the city on this rainy windy day. Maybe work on my wardrobe a little bit. Chloe's birthday party is this week so I know I have to get an outfit! I'm going to stop by a cooking school this afternoon to learn how to make jam (I've gotta start somewhere) and then I'm off to the theatre tonight. I tried to post pics this morning but can't get them off my GSM. Love!

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