Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fat Lip

Yesterday I went to my first spinning class en francais not knowing what to expect. Besides this being an hour long class, I was the only one who showed up in cycling shorts (clearly I'm not in Boulder anymore) - everyone else was in running shorts or yoga pants (hoo-ha, I don't get that!). The music was that horrible euro-techno with incredibly meaningful lyrics in English such as: 'after the rain...sun.' As class started I realized instantly that I couldn't keep a straight face. Our instructor proceeded to cycle with his legs but moved his shoulders around just like Pat(ricia) would on the dance floor for 70's night. That's when I had to keep my laughter in check because he kept looking over at me with his ridiculous shoulder dancing and I was laughing so hard inside. I literally bit my lip the whole time. My absolute favorite part was when he decided to motivate the class by standing up on his bike and proceeded to gyrate and wave one arm around in the air just like cheesy Chippendale dancers do when they rip off their shirts. Man alive, you just can't make this stuff up.

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