Monday, November 9, 2009


This weekend there was the public viewing of  beer brewing at Cantillon in Brussels. It's a brewery that holds public viewings twice a year and I didn't want to miss it - mostly so that I could brag to Brian, my beer loving, home-brewing brother-in-law, about how cool it was. And really it was pretty cool. The brewery opened at 6:30am, but there was no way we were going to be there for the opening. Although Granny and I were out the door at 7am to take the first tour of the day at 8:30am, which was a tour in French and English. We started the tour by double fisting with coffee and croissants and finished the tour with cheers and beers. By 10am we had finished our first beers and were on to round two. Granny was such a trooper and I was going to make the most of my beer drinking before noon. What I learned:
Cantillon is the only brewery in the world that uses spontaneous fermentation for their beers.
Lambic tastes really bad, but Kriek is the way to go.
French speaking people get really annoyed when the tour guide switches to English so that the American girl can understand at least part of the tour.

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