Monday, October 26, 2009

The Makeover!

Happy Monday! Last week I had my little Euro wardrobe makeover. Chloe (my Belgian older sister - not blood related, but pretty darn close) gave me a crash course in Euro fashion and life in Brussels. She is just the greatest and was really patient with me when I said things like, "Do you really think this looks ok?" I learned how to properly shop; how to make the most of the huge yearly sales; how to dress and of course the best places to meet people. Here are some of my favorite Chloe-isms from the day: "We're not even going to go into that store because I can tell by the window display that we aren't going to like it." "I just can't decide on the color you should get. If it were me I'd get both!" "You never wear jeans out at night - you dress up!" "You HAVE to buy that!" I now have a couple statement pieces in my wardrobe and a list of a few must-haves to be bought for winter.  I also got my hair cut: same length but a lot of layers and new bangs. I wasn't ready to chop it all off just yet, but I have to say I'm loving my new haircut. Photos to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sis, Here you are, a proper city girl! You look so adorable in your new coat!
    Lots of love and until the new shopping spree
