Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Block party

My grandparents have lived in the same house for 63 years. My grandmother moved into this house before she was married and lived here with her mother for a few years. It's a gorgeous row-house that has four stories and a little garden in the back. I love this house. On Saturday the street celebrated its 100th birthday. There was a big block party and my grandparents were a large part of the planning committee. For weeks they planned, got permits, held meetings, wrote speeches and my grandfather even did a couple interviews and photo-shoots with local newspapers. We're hoping the fame won't go to his head. Here's one of the interviews about him. The party was a huge success and everyone had a great time. I met a lot of the neighbors (many of whom work for the EU/NATO/etc) and had fun sipping wine and eating cheese on the street. Grandpapa gave a speech about the history of the street and his 60+ years living here. G et G were so excited and did an amazing job at planning the block party of the century! This is one of the pics from Grandpapa's big photo shoot at the end of our street (our house is one of the white ones on the left).

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