Monday, October 19, 2009

In Brussels

Yeah blog! So here I am in Brussels. I made it safely as did my very large bags (still waiting on my Cervelo and a couple boxes), but I'm finally here. It took a while to get here as I drove cross country first, hung out in MD for a couple days, rolled up to NYC and then finally flew to Brussels. It's been amazing here so far and I'm loving every second - or at least every second that I actually understand what's being said to me in French. I've been told that my French will come along once I've spent more time here. Fingers crossed. Life with Granny et Grandpapa (G et G) is great and they are so amazingly loving and patient it's unbelievable. I've spent a lot of time with family these last fews days so I'm extremely lucky that I'm not totally on my own over here. It's quite the change from Boulder, but it's just what I needed. More posts to follow and maybe even some photos, but just wanted to say hi!

1 comment:

  1. Bienvenue en Belge, copine. Amuse-toi bien et blog souvent. Je voudrais voir des photos! Gros bisous... Kim
