Wednesday, October 21, 2009

City Cycling

Today I went for my first bike ride in Brussels. I rode from G et G's to my aunt's house a couple kilometers away (yeah that's right I'm using the metric system now!). I used Grandpapa's bike so I was a little awkward on it to begin with. What an adventure! At one point I was cornered between a parked car and a moving car; then I got stuck between two buses and couldn't see the traffic behind or in front of me and then I kept getting lost because all street names (if they are actually marked, which is a whole other issue) are written in both French and Flemish. Of course I was only looking for the French names so I got lost numerous times, but luckily a couple friendly strangers came to my rescue. It's a blast though! I can't wait to ride around town more so that I get used to the cars and city cycling. Here's a pic of the flowers I have in my room now overlooking my little balcony. 

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