Monday, December 7, 2009


When I was in Paris, I took a pastry class with - the class had 6 people and was all in English so I didn't miss out on anything. I have always wanted to learn the process of baking some of my most favorite bakery items and I figured why not do it in Paris. I learned how to make croissants, pain au chocolates, cinnamon rolls (french style), foccacia and a delicious cheese and onion bread. I never knew how labor intensive croissants were but I quickly found out what an art it was to make them. It takes about two days from start to finished to make croissants. You make the dough, then let it rest for 24 hours. Then you take that dough add in more ingredients (heaps of butter), fold the dough over and over again to give it layers (I never knew that's how the flaky layers were achieved) and then let that rest for another 24 hours. Then it's time to shape the dough and roll it into your favorite treats. Here's a couple pics of yours truly and some of our creations. 

The dough after we put in layers of butter and folded the dough over and over again.

Some of our creations ready for the oven.

Moi with cinnamon rolls ready for the oven.

Moi with the finished product. 

These didn't last very long! Delicious.

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