Monday, December 7, 2009

Mais oui, Paris!

Thanksgiving Feast French-style: Turkey, Stuffing and Frites!

View from roof at Galleries Lafayette

View from Jardin de Tuileries

Thanksgiving in Paris - so great! I took the train to Paris on Thanksgiving morning and in an hour and a half I was in Paris. I know, can we talk about how close it is?! I stayed in a little guest house in the Montmartre area. Perfect for just one person: I met up with family at Chez L'Ami Louis for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a blast to be among family and to get to know everyone a little better.
Dinner was delicious. We started off with oysters and snails, then turkey and the most amazing stuffing I have ever had, and finished off with fruit and heaps of delicious delicacies. Never thought I'd say this but the French definitely know how to do Thanksgiving! After we were completely stuffed we went for a long walk. That's the great thing about Paris - walking. It's always fun to explore the little side streets and to see all parts of the city. We went to see Inglorious Bastards that evening before tucking in for a well deserved slumber.

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