Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crepe Day

February 2nd is some kind of religious holiday. I have no idea, but rituals stem from it like Groundhog Day and crepe making. In Belgium, you make crepes today to predict your luck for the rest of the year. You are supposed to hold the pan in your right hand, flick your wrist and do a flip with the crepe. If you can do a full flip of a crepe and catch it back in the pan then you will have good luck for the year. If you don't catch it, well, your year is doomed. I asked Granny if we were going to flip them (something I loved doing as a kid), but she said no it would be too messy. So instead I ate a couple crepes and wondered if it was going to be a good year or a bad year. 

1 comment:

  1. Feb 2 is La Chandeleur or in Catholic tradition: the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Following Jewish traditions, Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple 6 weeks after his birth. It is also the feast of lights because the days get longer and people used to get together and celebrate with crepes. So a mixture of Christian, Jewish and secular tradiions. Mommy
