Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eye on Palin

I don't know if anyone actually reads my blog, but I thought I would post this in case someone does. Seems as though Discovery Communications may be giving Sarah Palin a new reality show about Alaska and the outdoors. There is a petition to stop the show as she has a great track record for destroying the wilderness rather than preserving it. Check it out if you feel so inclined:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Month

In the last month so much has happened. My parents came for a long visit. We spent a week in Switzerland in the mountains visiting family, which was just amazing since Cat met up with us. And I can't even begin to tell you how great it was to be back in my mountains! The moment we got back to Brussels I moved into my new apartment. Yup that's right, I now have my own place! And it's soooo great.

I've officially been in my apartment for one week! My apartment is on the third and final floor of a maison d'maitre. The owners of the house (who are just the nicest!) occupy the downstairs floors and I have the last floor in the house. Just yesterday I received my compact Ikea furniture boxes so now my apartment is full of furniture waiting to be assembled. My apartment has a bedroom, full bath, little kitchen and a large living room. My windows overlook the city, garden and the nearby church. I don't need a clock in my living room because the church clock tower is within view so I use that. So cool, right?! It's so incredibly shabby chic I can't get over it! Once I start putting the furniture together and decorating a bit, I'll post some pics.

It's located in a great safe sought-after part of town: Etterbeek is the commune. Running I'm five minutes from the Etangs d'Ixelles and 15 minutes from Bois de La Cambre (forest) so I am now starting to run again in the woods, rather than just sidewalks. There is a huge grocery store two blocks away where I do all of my grocery shopping. Public transport is one block away. There's a little bar on the corner that I have yet to go to but it's always busy in the evenings! I'm close to a couple trendy areas too so there are lots of little bars and restos within walking distance. I'm really starting to settle and feel more at home with life in Brussels. Oh and did I mention that I'm within walking distance to the #1 and #2 frites stands in all of Brussels?! Life is good!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Only in Belgium

Always amusing and completely absurd snippets of Belgian news. It's like Belgium's version of the Onion, except everything is sadly true...enjoy.